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This paper studies the teacher perceived applicability of historical topics for interpretational history teaching and the criteria teachers use to evaluate this applicability. For this study, 15 expert history teachers in the Netherlands striving for interpretational history teaching were purposefully selected. Teachers were asked to mention historical topics using a ranking task technique to rank topics in order of applicability and to elaborate on how the topics were ranked. The results showed a large variation in perceived applicability among topics, both within and between teachers. Eight different topic-applicability criteria were discerned in the teachers’ elaborations: (1) topic knowledge; (2) topic affinity; (3) topic constructedness; (4) topic deconstructability; (5) topic abstractedness; (6) topic sensitivity; (7) topic materials; and (8) topic inclusion in the history curriculum. We found that teachers tended to judge topics as applicable for interpretational history teaching partly depending on the degree of ‘canonised interpretativity’ in lesson materials and the curriculum, and to the degree to which they belonged to ‘cold’ (morally neutral) or ‘hot’ (morally sensitive) history. A theoretical implication of the findings is that interpretational history teaching is topic-dependent. Teachers can be supported to teach history as interpretation by structured pedagogies.  相似文献   
Practice‐led research in art and design has now come of age and can take its place alongside other forms of research at the academic ‘high table’. It no longer needs to be treated with ‘special consideration’ as a new form of intellectual enquiry. The research craft developed by those involved in practice‐led research admits them to a broader community of practice engaged in questioning the conceptual basis of how we perceive and make sense of the world around us. The objective/subjective divide that preoccupied an earlier generation of academics has eventually been replaced by a more nuanced epistemological framework able to embrace PhDs that include non‐textual artefacts as part of their exposition. An increasing number of academic institutions around the world have taken up the debate and now participate in practice‐led research programmes. However, for early‐career researchers in these fields there are still many hurdles to overcome, some of which are unique to this form of endeavour, as we outline. This article has been developed from a series of seminars and workshops presented by the authors to early‐career practice‐led researchers as part of their Project Dialogue programme which seeks greater engagement between the arts and sciences.  相似文献   
毛泽东的认识论思想最集中地体现了马克思主义哲学中国化。毛泽东认识论思想作为毛泽东哲学思想的重要组成部分,既离不开整个毛泽东哲学思想的发展,又有自身的思想进程。《实践论》作为反映毛泽东认识论思想的重要著作,以其猁的逻辑结构显示出特有的理论价值和实践价值。但《实践论》又不是毛泽东认识论思想的全部。  相似文献   
洛克经验主义认识论对西方哲学产生了重要的影响。第一,对近代西方哲学的影响;第二,对德国古典哲学的影响;第三,对现代西方哲学的影响。  相似文献   
美与丑是相对存在的价值论事物.这决定了美不可能属于知识论领域的任何一种“真”。在价值论领域内,美既不属于“善”、“利”一类理性事物,亦不同于生理感觉和心理感觉的对象。它是相对独立的特殊事物,是诉诸人的精神性感觉的、属人的气质性和品格性精神风貌。  相似文献   
Within the mathematics education literature, the term constructivism has been subject to a diversity of interpretations, many of which are trivializations of original theoretical work. We suggest that trivialized versions of constructivism continue to be promulgated due, in large part,to misunderstandings of some of the vocabulary adopted by its advocates. This situation has been the source of considerable frustration in our ongoing efforts to communicate the insights and implications of radical and social constructivist theories to preservice and practicing teachers. We discuss some of the specifics of these frustrations along with strategies intended to flag and circumvent them in our work with teachers. The writing is structured around a set of recursively elaborated interpretations of a classroom episode. Developed around varied understandings of the terms structure and construct, these interpretations are intended to show how we have worked with teachers to foster a deep appreciation of how learning might be reframed as dependent on, rather than determined by, teaching.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
In this response to Muis et al. (2006), I draw on the writings of Dewey to explore three critical questions. The first question is what is gained or what is lost when the study of epistemology moves from philosophy to psychology and eventually to educational practice? The second asks whether the primary question under examination should be if students’ beliefs about knowledge or knowing differ by domains or why they may differ? Finally, what are the implications of the generality or specificity of students’ epistemic beliefs for educational practice?  相似文献   
与托马斯·波克维茨教授的对话,围绕课程改革的危机意识展开。依据波克维茨教授的"社会认识论",美国课程改革缘于危机意识,而危机意识源于对未来的想象及对社会现实的建构,其实质是美国基础教育的标准化思考模式对儿童的理性形塑。然而,危机背后是系统的社会问题,单纯进行课程变革,并不能收到满意的效果。危机意识驱动的课程改革亟需开展问题导向的实证研究,深入挖掘包括教师教育在内的教育问题背后之社会根源。  相似文献   
探究素养发展的教学认识论,旨在澄明知识与素养的关系及其转化的认识论原理与教学机制。素养作为道德性运用知识解决复杂问题的能力,这一学习结果基于知识并超越知识,诉求于学习者能够在复杂情境中开展道德性的知识迁移与运用。可见,实践性是素养的本质特征,内蕴知与行、理智与德性统一的认识论意义。这一本质特征诉求于教学认识论应处理好“学”与“用”的一体化关系。传统教学认识论虽然一贯倡导“学以致用”,但由于理性主义知识观的钳制,在处理知与行、“学”与“用”的关系问题上深陷先后论、工具论、机械论等二元论困境。二元论的症结不仅割裂了“学”与“用”内在的一体性,而且难以确保学习者所获学习结果的实践性。“用以致学”通过调整“学”与“用”的位次关系,旨在重估行动、实践的认识论意义,进而更好地促进“学以致用”。“用以致学”作为实践取向的教学认识论不仅勾勒出化知识为素养的教学机理,同时还体现了现代认识论研究实践转向的趋势、学习科学的最新进展以及中国文化内蕴的力行认识论传统等依据。  相似文献   
西方不同路向的教师知识研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从不同的认识论与方法论出发,结合实证研究,阐述了不同路向的研究者对教师知识研究的不同观点,试图揭示不同路向的研究者对教师知识本质的不同理解及其对教师专业发展的意义与局限.  相似文献   
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